Deep Rock Galactic Weapon Overview

A video I created for my favorite weapon and overclock in the game, Deep Rock Galactic.

Project type
Game capture
Video editing
Premiere Pro
After Effects
Project scope

A gameplay trailer focusing on one piece of content, the Jury-rigged Boomstick, from the game Deep Rock Galactic. I wanted to accomplish two things:

  • Creating simple and effective graphics from scratch to give context to what the video was showing.
  • Showing most of if not all aspects of the weapon in a short trailer, what makes this weapon special?

Game capture, graphics and video editing done by me.

Editor's Notes

I wanted to try and mimic the structure and quality that went into videos made by game development studios and how they showed off new pieces of content for their games. Such as weapons you would see in a piece of DLC (Downloadable Content) or a bundle of content you would see in a live-service game. Furthermore, I used this opportunity to build graphics to add to the game capture and to help new viewers or players interested in the game better understand the gameplay along side the graphics.

"What makes this weapon special?" greatly helped in the creative process with this video. It allowed me to clear up a ton of confusion about why and where I was placing clips in the trailer. For example, the gameplay intro before the customization scene was reconstructed a few times before the end result was achieved. The old version was generic gameplay of the weapon. Rather than what it ended up being:

- Gameplay of weapon and animations for the weapon.

- Revealing that it is a secondary weapon.

- Revealing the weapon's unique ability.

After Effects was challenging to learn, but gave me great insight in animation principles and habits to keep in mind for the future. This included:

- Slowing down the speed of animation when coming to a stop.

- Creating a beginning and end to animation to save time in the long run.

Overall, I feel like I achieved the structure I was aiming to create and was proud of how the video flows from scene to scene. I underestimated how long it took to create and how much work would go into the video in hindsight. Furthermore, I don't believe the quality is quite there yet compared to similar videos in the industry, as well as the video's pacing being uneven in some areas of the video. However, I am happy how the graphics turned out in the end product. I agree that they are fairly simple, but are effective in what I wanted to do with them.

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