The Making of Slapatron's Music

An interview with Get Slapped composer, Oliver Snook.

Project type
Official work
Video editing
Davinci Resolve
Project scope

An interview video to showcase Slapatron and to:

  • Highlight Oliver's work on Slapatron as well as have him walk the audience through his work process.
  • Reveal Slapatron's development and character creation in this video as an extension from the game.

Overall, the goals were achieved, and it was fun to hear from someone else's creative process.

The interview and video production were done by me.

Editor's Notes

The biz dev team and I decided to create an interview video with Oliver as his work for the Slapatron fight was very well received by play testers and we wanted to showcase his work on social media.

I had created the interview questions, scheduled and shot the interview over Discord. I wanted to have Oliver walk the audience through his process in creating the music as well as how Slapatron came about within the development team.

Overall, I believe I did a great job on putting the spotlight on Oliver and it was fun to work on an interview. I hadn’t created an interview since college when I took a documentary class, I used the knowledge of that course to create this video.

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